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pericón syrup. 200ml


Let us describe our pericón syrup flavour profile - uniquely sophisticated and not for the basic palate. She's sweet, thick and distinct. You'll taste notes familiar to amaretti biscuits and liquorice, with a vanilla undertone. The herb pericón is also known as Mexican tarragon, yet it isn't related to the commonly known French tarragon and actually resides in the marigold family. It's a pleasure to introduce you.

Use this syrup drizzled over lemony pancakes, mix into a spiced rum cocktail, substitute the vanilla for the syrup in your fave cake or pav recipe, flavour a hot or iced tea or simply drip over vanilla icecream.

(Heat: 0/5)
0 = no heat
1 = mild
2 = a lil something
3 = oh hello
4 = damn
5 = fuck

Ingredients: Mexican tarragon, raw sugar, salt, rainwater, citric acid, queen fair trade vanilla bean seeds & extract (extract contained alcohol which has been cooked out in the marmalade processing), herbs & spices.

Storage: a cool, dark place. Best before dates are written underneath the bottles.